General Information

Full Name Junru Lin
Languages English, Chinese


  • 2020 - Present
    B.Sc. Computer Science, Statistics, and Mathematics
    University of Toronto, Canada
    • GPA 3.97/4.0 (94/100)


  • 2022
    Computer Vision Research Intern
    Kyros Kutulakos, Dynamic Graphics Project Lab
  • 2021
    Student Researcher
    Lisa Jeffrey, University of Toronto
  • 2021
    Web Developer
    David Liu, University of Toronto


  • Teaching Assistant
    • MAT223 - Linear Algebra I (Fall 2022, Winter 2023)

Honors and Awards

  • 2022
    • Dean's List Scholar
    • New College Council In-Course Scholarship
    • Undergraduate Student Research Award
  • 2021
    • Dean's List Scholar

Academic Interests

  • Computer Vision & Machine Learning
    • 3D Reconstruction.
    • Computational Creativity.

Other Interests

  • Hobbies: Badminton, Photography, Reading.